Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Looked Out the Window and What Did I See?

Last night we were eating dinner and I happened to see something moving in the backyard out of the corner of my eye. Up on the planter box, there was skunk scurrying along his way!! He was not quite as cute as the picture above. Yuck!! Luckily he hurried under the fence into the neighbors yard, but within a few minutes, there he was again going the other way and went into the other neighbor's yard. I think I won't be taking trash out any time soon - - at least not at night. Last year we had one in our backyard, but it was at night. He kept running back and forth trying to figure how to get out. Needless to say, as much as we wanted him out, we were in no hurry to go help him. The weirdest thing that has happened so far though is one night when Matt heard an odd noise and turned on the light to see two opossums chasing each other around our pool. I didn't know they could make noise, however, that noise is engrained in my mind forever. Creepy!!


Maggie said...

It's like Wild Kingdom at your house. I would have stayed inside too. :-)

Shonda said...

Eeeww! I've never had a skunk in the backyard. We have lots of raccoons and opossums, though. Opposoms look like demons! Ick! Once a weasel ran across the patio. He was huge and I thought someones overgrown ferret escaped.

Ron and Ginny said...

That is real wild life. We have had skunks in our church building. They are trying to find out where they go and come from.

Suzanne said...

Isn't it crazy to think there is wildlife in HB? We had skunks all the time when I lived near the bluffs in HB. I'm not a fan of creatures in my backyard either. We get raccoons and they love to knock my trash cans over. Huge mess! We also get squirrels and rabbits but the kids love to watch them. Good Luck!

Robert Stevenson said...

Isn't it fun to have pets? When we lived on Marshall, we had skunks and possums. The skunks are much cuter (at least ours was), and they are very dainty eaters. At least with possums, you don't have to worry about rats!

rocknbrocks said...

Oh thcarry Crithy! I remember smelling those all the time in HB, must be a California thing!