Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Yesterday was my dad's birthday and my mom thought it would be fun to surprise him with a dinner at Rodrigo's. The food was yummy and it was fun to be together. We just hope it was a good surprise. I LOVE that the cousins like to be together! Here are Maelen and Emily hamming it up for the camera. Here is our traditional birthday picture. Luckily we were in a room big enough to accomodate our picture and closed off enough so as not to annoy other diners too much.


Shonda said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad! That is so fun! What a nice non-dysfunctional family you have. I wish I had one! HA HA! Is that your sis Vickie with all those little boys that used to sit so reverently in sacrament in their matching light blue short sleeved button down shirts???

Maggie said...

What a fun family! You guys are so cute! Happy Birthday Uncle Ron! It looks like you guys had a fun night. :-)

Ron and Ginny said...

It was fun and we appreciated everyone of Vicki and Chrissy's families coming except Danielle. Also Mandy for coming even though Rob couldn't. Also, it wouldn't have come off without Chrissy and Vicki's help while we were away.

Danielle Locken said...

wish i didn't have class. this looked like it was more fun.
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