Thursday, February 21, 2008

The 80's called, they want their shorts back...

For Mike, Kristen and Shonda - you may think my Jared has channelled Jude Winterhalter circa 1982, however, these are shorts that he begged, pleaded and bargained for last time we went to Old Navy (actually this year). Unfortunately, we have not seen leather topsiders recently, so he had to go with the Vans slip-ons complete with "Off the Wall" logo.


Melissa Nielsen said...

Those shorts are hilarious. They made me think of the "crazy pants" that we used to wear along with the MC Hammer pants. Granted I think those were more in the '90s but whatever. You blog is super cute. And Eric and I laughed for a while at your you tube thing.

Shonda said...

Snort! Your title made me laugh out loud!! Jared is one rad dude. Totally! You have to love it when your high school style is now a blast from the past on the radio.
Seriously, though, Jared is such a cutie!!

Mike S. said...

Why do plaid shorts seem so much cooler now than they did back then? Mind you, I'm not thinking that I can still pull it off.

Kristen said...

I love it! He's right out of a John Hughes movie. Jake Ryan in 16 Candles?