Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 54 (2/23/11) - Sunshine Family

My parents are painting the bedroom closets in their house and decided to get rid of a few things. My mom asked me what I wanted to keep and for the most part I am happy to get rid of anything and everything. For some reason though, the Sunshine Family holds a special place in my heart. I had just been talking about those toys a couple of weeks ago and one of my kids described them as "the hippie family". That may be true, but I love them just the same. Kendall was thrilled to see them in our house and has been playing with them ever since.

1 comment:

Melissa Nielsen said...

I LOVED the Sunshine family. They were always so fun to play with in their house. When grandma told me she was getting rid of stuff, it kind of made me sad, but it is not like I even live close enough to enjoy them. Although I didn't care much about the Barbie's. I remember playing them with Matt when you two were dating and thinking he was so weird.